CBR Reflection Blog Entry
(Todays Reflections of a Job Seeker/Grad Student/CBResearcher
Still pulling teeth, uh, er, challenged to get my feedback from my participants. ….
today I embedded a Screenflow movie on Google Docs from Dr Deason’s EDE Class to see if providing some resources would engage my participants.
to remake a Stones song…..Time is still not on my side and it seems to be the single biggest deterrent that I have observed from most I have talked to. at least three of my teachers (including the one I lost, are in Grad School as well, and I am switching my approach up by bringing resources to my Blog I created as our access point : http://dbiresearch.blogspot.com/ I am providing the suggested resources and feedback here based on the information that has been submitted on the survey thus far. At least this way if I have to seek them out to gain their feedback, I have the media addressing their needs already in place and I can cut a step out of the feedback section by having them post to the site.
onward and upward,
Wednesday, February 16, 2011